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New Moon Rituals

Writer's picture: Emma TomsEmma Toms

Updated: Oct 24, 2024

half moon space photo

New moon rituals are all about planting seeds for the future, or simply for the next month until the next new moon.

The power of the new moon can help you to focus on what you would like to bring into your life.

Ask yourself what you want to bring into your reality.

A new moon is the start of a lunar cycle. It is the perfect time to set intentions.

A ritual could be a simple guided moon meditation or going outside to journal your intentions

New moon manifestation ritual

Prepare a sacred space at home, focus on opening the space by burning incense or essential oils.

Think about what you would like to bring to life in the next month specifically

Do you have any new projects in mind?

Is there something in particular you would like to plant seeds for now?

Focus on what you want to bring into your life and journal about it.

Start to feel the feelings of it coming to life.

Perhaps pull an Oracle card for guidance going forward.

Put some small solid steps on paper.

What you will need

Pen or pencil

Piece of paper or journal

Incense or essential oils


Oracle cards

Anything you would like to bring in to bring your manifestation to life and to make you feel safe, warm and cosy.

Perhaps a cup of your favourite herbal tea or my personal favourite, Cacao.

Once you have cleared some space and got peaceful.

Start to journal about what you want to bring in. This could be anything from a story of how you see your life after your manifested dream to a list of things you see yourself doing to get there.

Create an affirmation about what you want as if it already is a part of your reality. Start to feel it and see it coming to life in your future.

Use words like, “I am”, or “I have”, instead of “I want”

Keep the affirmation around you or create a reminder of your manifested dream around you.

Listen for any guidance. The rule is here we DON’T get to demand what we want. We get to ASK and LISTEN for guidance. We tap into our intuitive senses such as gut feelings and sensory guidance.

The more we tap in to meditation, yoga, the natural world and connection to the body in ALL ways the more sensitive we become and the more freely guidance flows

New moons are not ONLY about new beginnings, but they also symbolise a time of letting go. As in nature, if we want to bring something in, something else must be released.

Lay and relax and listen to a guided releasing meditation to help you let go.

There is one here

Enjoy. Happy manifesting!

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